2021中关村全球产业创新领先技术百强榜单 项目推荐通知
来源: 创新网 2021年07月23日 11:09










报名咨询:王临13701192397  微信同手机号


2021 International Technology Trade Fair and Release on ZGC Forum

“100 Best Industrial Innovations for International Technology Transfer”











As a project/technology, we obey the commitment and disclaimer to the Organizing Committee as follows:

1. Commitments

On behalf of the technology released by me, I voluntarily participate in the 2021 International Technology Trade Fair and Release on ZGC Forum “100 Best Industrial Innovations for International Technology Transfer”. (hereinafter referred to as the "Fair") and made the following commitments to the Organizing Committee:

1.1 All information provided by the declarant (including but not limited to information of the company/institution, team members, technology, presentation, etc.) is true, valid, accurate and complete. The written materials, copies or oral testimony submitted, and the signature or seal on the relevant materials are true. The relevant copies and scanned copies are consistent with the original materials.

1.2 No part of the information submitted by the declarant violates the intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party, does not contain any defamatory or illegal material, and there is no dispute over any intellectual property rights.

1.3 From the date of submission of the technology materials to the Organizing Committee, the Committee is permitted to demonstrate the materials in public in different ways with non-commercial use.

2. Disclaimer

The declarant is aware that the information submitted for application should be free from any intellectual property rights disputes, and that any intellectual property rights disputes arising during or after the event will be the sole responsibility of the declarant instead of the Organizing Committee.


Technology Collection Form


注:红星标注的内容为必填项 The contents with red star is mandatory fields

基本信息Basic Information







Mobile No.










Company/Institution Introduction


Including the name, founded time, number of team, registered capital, location and a brief description of the institution(about 300 words)





技术信息Technology Information


Technology Name





* 技术领域

Technology Field

□新一代信息技术                               □智能制造

New Generation of ICT                             Intelligent Manufacturing                        

□生物技术与创新药                             □高端医疗器械

Biotechnology & Innovative Medicine                 High-end Medical Device

□环保与可持续发展                             □新能源

Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development   New Energy                     

□新材料                                       □现代农业

New Materials                                   Modern Agriculture

□智慧交通                                     □高端装备

Smart Transportation                              High-end Equipment


细分领域(自行填写)Fields Segmentation (fill in by yourself)                

* 技术基本介绍

Description Of Technology



Briefly introduce the general situation of the technology or project, including the background of technology R&D, application segments, technology forms, application fields, what problems to solve, the advantages of technology, stages of development, etc.; In addition, it can score extra points if it has won awards, the core member of the team has influence (about 500 words, it would be better if there are pictures)



(一)技术创新性Technological Innovation

(该项在专家评审中约占50%分值Accounts for about 50% of the score in the expert's evaluation)

1.* 请描述该技术具备哪些技术创新性和先进性(考核该技术先进性和创新性,主要描述该技术在国内外市场类似产品或者技术对比分析、包含但不限于可公开披露的技术参数

Please describe the technological advancement and innovation (assess the technological advancement and innovation, mainly describe the comparison of similar products or technology in the domestic and international markets, including but not limited to the publicly disclosed technical parameters)



2.* 项目所属阶段 Stage of Development

□ 技术发现 Technology discovery                               

□ 论证/验证 Demonstration/Validation

□ 示范模型/专利形成 Pilot/Preclinical Stage

产品服务研发/工程(批量)样品/中试Product Service R&D/Engineering (Batch) Samples/Pilot testing

□ 商品化/产业化阶段Commercialization/Industrialization



Please describe the current development of the technology (mainly used to evaluate the maturity and industrialization level of the technology, mainly describing the current stage of the technology, including the level of technology, technological process, supporting resources, technology life cycle and others of industrialization)




3.请说明该技术优势的可持续性和不可替代性(主要考核该技术的潜在风险,包括技术可实现风险、技术可靠性风险、 知识产权侵权风险、应用推广可行性风险、市场竞争风险、政策风险、团队风险等

Please describe the sustainability and irreplaceability of the technology advantages (mainly assess the potential risks of the technology, including technology achievability risk, technology reliability risk, intellectual property infringement risk, application feasibility risk, market competition risk, policy risk, team risk, etc.)



(二)技术商业价值 Technology Business Value

(该项在专家评审中约占40%分值 Accounts for about 40% of the score in the expert's evaluation)


Intellectual property rights (mainly used to evaluate whether the technology has the core IP rights that can be transformed as the subject)

□专利Patent       □集成电路设计IC Design           □专有技术 Technology Know-How  

□商标 Trademark   □计算机软件 Computer Software    □工业品外观设计 Industrial Design

□版权 Copyright   □生产加工工艺 Manufacturing Process Technology  □其它Others______________


*成果权属Ownership of IP

□独占 Exclusive   □共有Joint(共有权人Co-owner_______ )  □其他Others _________

*知识产权数量Number of IP ______________

知识产权描述Description of IP:




Please describe the potential application scenarios and target customers of the technology (mainly used to evaluate whether the technology has a clear target customer, market demand)

3.*目标产品及描述 Target Product and Description

*产品形态Product pattern:

□最终消费产品Final consumer products             □工业产品Industrial Products

□工业中间产品Industrial intermediate products       □技术服务Technical Services

其他 Others__________________



Product description (whether the technology has been a product, and the designability and creativity of the product)




4.*理想的合作方式Ideal Way of Cooperation 

提供技术服务Providing technical services       

提供技术咨询Provide technical consultancy services 

技术联合研发 Joint R&D                 

技术秘密转让Transfer of technical secrets

专利权转让Transfer of patent right

专利申请权转让Assignment of patent application

专利权(专利申请技术)实施许可Patent (patent application technology) enforcement license

合作生产Joint Production

工程承包Project contracting

设备引进Introduction of Equipment 



补偿贸易Compensation trade

专家服务Expert service

股权投资合作Equity investment cooperation

□成立独资或合资公司Establishment of Sole Proprietorship or Joint Venture

创新技术产品市场开拓Market development of innovation technology products

合同研发外包R&D outsourcing contract

创新技术供应链合作Innovation technology supply chain cooperation




Please describe the ideal cooperation ways in details (including the ideal cooperation organization <properties, field, industry status and others>, cooperation business, cooperation targets, etc.)




5.* 是否考虑在中国成立公司或分支机构Will to set up a company or branch in China

□ 是 Yes   □ 否 No

6. 目前该技术融资情况及融资需求(用于评价该技术目前市场价值)

Current investment and financing needs (for evaluating the current market value of the technology)



团队核心专家Core Experts












Highest Degree



Date of Birth



Graduate Institution & Major






Professional Field



Profile: including roles of the team, work experiences and performance, technical status (level) in the industry, etc.

可添加补充其他成员介绍 Introduction of Other Members




