福音:NIH研究结果 N95口罩可重复使用的三种方式
来源: 奥咨达 2020年04月17日 11:01





据美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的科学家称,N95防护口罩可以被有效去污且保持功能完整,最多有三种方法。N95防护口罩是专为一次性使用而设计的,医护人员佩戴它是为了减少暴露在空气中的传染源,包括引起COVID-19的病毒。这项研究是在一个受控实验室环境中进行的,结果已公布在今日预印服务器上。研究结果尚未经过同行评审,但正在共享,以协助公共卫生部门应对COVID-19。‍


这项研究的调查人员是蒙大拿州(Montana汉密尔顿(Hamilton的美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)洛基山实验室(RML)的成员,该实验室隶属于美国国家过敏和传染病研究所(NIAID)。他们与来自加州大学洛杉矶分校的合作者一起,测试了N95滤布小段的去污效果,这些滤布曾接触过导致COVID-19SARS-CoV-2病毒。测试的去污方法包括汽化过氧化氢(VHP)、70摄氏度干热、紫外线和70%乙醇喷雾。








NIH Study Validates Decontamination Methods For Re-Use of N95 Respirators

Three Methods Effectively Sanitized Masks for Limited Re-Use

April 15, 2020


N95 respirators can be decontaminated effectively and maintain functional integrity for up to three uses, according to National Institutes of Health scientists. N95 respirators are designed for single-use and are worn by healthcare providers to reduce exposure to airborne infectious agents, including the virus that causes COVID-19.  The study was conducted in a controlled laboratory setting, and the results were posted on a preprint server on today. The findings are not yet peer-reviewed but are being shared to assist the public health response to COVID-19. 


The study investigators are with NIH’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML) in Hamilton, Montana, part of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). With collaborators from the University of California, Los Angeles, they tested the decontamination of small sections of N95 filter fabric that had been exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.  Decontamination methods tested included vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP), 70-degree Celsius dry heat, ultraviolet light, and 70% ethanol spray.


All four methods eliminated detectable viable virus from the N95 fabric test samples. The investigators then treated fully intact, clean respirators with the same decontamination methods to test their reuse durability. Volunteer RML employees wore the masks for two hours to determine if they maintained a proper fit and seal over the face; decontamination was repeated three times with each mask using the same procedure.


The scientists found that ethanol spray damaged the integrity of the respirator’s fit and seal after two decontamination sessions and therefore do not recommend it for decontaminating N95 respirators.  UV and heat-treated respirators began showing fit and seal problems after three decontaminations—suggesting these respirators potentially could be re-used twice. The VHP-treated masks experienced no failures, suggesting they potentially could be re-used three times.


The authors concluded that VHP was the most effective decontamination method, because no virus could be detected after only a 10-minute treatment. UV and dry heat were acceptable decontamination procedures as long as the methods are applied for at least 60 minutes. The authors urge anyone decontaminating an N95 respirator to check the fit and seal over the face before each re-use.

